Hong Kong, once was a world class modern city. English used to be its secondary language. A city being claimed as world class or not, shouldn't be evaluated by how much surplus its government has, but through the cultural behavior of its people. English speaking is the basic necessity in this case.
Everyone is saying, "China is rising!" China rises, so what!? Something rises, something falls. China has 13 billion of people, but >65% are nearly starve to death broke people. It rises, but the fortune only goes into the hands of the <10%. Does it mean that China is getting stronger? I don't see China's getting stronger, but its people's noses are getting higher instead.
A question came up to me for quit a long time. I am curious to know which language is more important to be spoken fluently, should it be Mandarin or English. Mandarin should be the answer for those who have bought the China stock or fund within the last few months. I am glad to see the stock dropped quit a bit within the past four days. The stock market changed into a pool for the gambler instead of investor. For those who have been "soaked by the salted water" (Chinese English) would definitely say, English!
China is rising. Yes, I have to admit, but it rises as a world factory that is heavily depending on the clients from the western world such as the America and the European countries. Money in, products out . . . fair deal! The in-money goes to the rich and the government hands, which ends up being invested back into the country itself (Ideally), but is this the real case? Maybe or maybe not. The money might go into the stock market, which ends back into the western investor hands. Who knows . . . Or like the real case that the money goes back into the western food and biological markets, in exchange for a few more bottles Panadol or a few more pounds of Pork.
English speaking is far more important that Mandrain, if we still want to keep ourselves up high in the rank. Let the cheap Mandrain speaking dealing with the cheap people working for the cheap jobs. For the English speaking should f__k the cheap people, sparing their lives by offering a few more f__ked up job opportunities. Facing out is the key to be world class, instead of facing in. English speaking is the beginning act of it.