When I was in college (university), I took a few classes from one of my admiring professors, Prof. Lee. He is a Korean. I learnt my Chinese and Japanese political and historical knowledge from him. I also took a Bible class from him, as he has a PhD in Bible Study, Masters in Asian Culture Study, and Bachelor in Economic. We discussed and shared our sights of the world from all kinds of perspective including from the religious point of view. He advised me to prepare for the World War III, WWIII. He deeply believed that I can see and experience it in my life time.
A person can be native, but not ignorance and shallow. I do believe in the WWIII. I believe that the WWIII will start from the Middle East, then will spread towards the European countries including France, Germany and Russia. The American will step their feet into the war. The North Korea will ambush towards the Oriental countries especially to both of South Korea and Japan. Then the China have to make a decision either supporting his communist brother country, North Korea or the turn its back to him, but no matter what . . . China will also ambush Taiwan once North Korea has taken its action. The America will also send troops against China to protect Taiwan. In this case, the Russia will also send troops to support China. So, the America has to face two wars at once, which it has already prepared. Finally, the World War III will end through a big giant nuclear explosion, which only a tiny small amount of human can survive . . . according to the Bible . . .
Of course the paragraph above is my person prediction. Hopefully, it won't be true. War isn't fun at all. I hasn't experience it yet, but I did feel and experience the pain under the attack of the 911. I was there . . . the painful memory is still inside me. The modern Hong Kong people (born after the WWII) are lucky enough to worry free from any kind of attacking. They don't have any idea what a war looks like. Their minds have never be prepared or think about it. Is this luck or is this spoil? I really don't know, but at least . . . I am different according to their standards.
During the China Olympic a few weeks ago, the Russia military stepped into Georgia. Of course, non of the Hong Kong people cares, and nearly half of the people have never heard of it. The world is now trying to sweet talk the Russian . . . Personally, I don't think it works. Would this incident be a preface of the World War III?
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The Tailand Protest 2008
I bet the Thailand protest 2008 will end up in a bloody riot. It will end horribly with gunfire and blood. From the news, the Thailand officials claimed that they will not take any hardcore cleaning action by force. They will calm and cure the protest through peaceful talks.
To me, that's bullshit. I bet that a bloody human cleansing show is going to start in anytime. The protesters will be the starter of that show instead of the government. Why am I making such an interpretation? It is because I deeply believe that the government will sneak in some of their secret people into the crowded to cause an unwanted scene. The unwanted scene will then raise the anger of the protesters against the government. Then, there's the acceptable excuse to carry forward the bloody show!
Will it be true? No one knows, but I am betting on it! I deeply believe that all Asians are in-born with the "can't loss face" attitude. Will see, as there's a phase, "The show must go on!"
To me, that's bullshit. I bet that a bloody human cleansing show is going to start in anytime. The protesters will be the starter of that show instead of the government. Why am I making such an interpretation? It is because I deeply believe that the government will sneak in some of their secret people into the crowded to cause an unwanted scene. The unwanted scene will then raise the anger of the protesters against the government. Then, there's the acceptable excuse to carry forward the bloody show!
Will it be true? No one knows, but I am betting on it! I deeply believe that all Asians are in-born with the "can't loss face" attitude. Will see, as there's a phase, "The show must go on!"
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
A Good News To Those Who Can't Choose, But Not Me!
I just got a phone call saying that I am being re-contracted to a two years term. They named it, NRP. F__k the asshole Lo Mong Dung! If not because of him, then the new comers such as me don't have to be re-contracting once every one or two year(s)! A two years term is actually similar to the single year term. Under this change of term, my salary hasn't been raised. I am still being protected by a joking health care policy without dental being included. What I do benefit from it will be my annual bonus . . . not much might be 1/3 month to a whole month salary, which might barely cover BeeBee and CeiCei's living expenditures.
Before the f__king Lo Mong Dung era, when we were still being ruled by the Royal Crown Empire, the contract term was much better. It's a life-time term with a much higher salary, better health care plan, and more vacation days.
After the f__king Lo Mong Dung messed around at the Hong Kong playground, everything collapsed. Lo Mong Dung tried to cover his fault by decorative excuses such as . . . Oh~~~ it's the world wide economy, it's a new culture, it's a new environment! We gotta shut the f__k up and accept it just like a mother f__ker licking an antique grandma pussy, go in deep, taste the juice . . . we-Chinese are hard working lickers that don't mind drilling all of the dirty mines! (No wonder why there are tons of Chinese drillers being drowned at the illegal flooded mines each year!)
Maybe it's a Chinese culture, all Chinese leaders love to brainwash their followers with lovely verbal phases. For example, due to the Face Saving Policy, the China officials expelled all of the Olympic coliseums builders from Beijing City once they have finished their projects. They tried covering their anti-humanity act by a decorative announcement . . . "As a modern educated Chinese, self-sacrificing is necessary in order to form a greater China!" Yeah, my ASS! It's a communist party with a 5000 years root of Confucianism, so what can I say!?
To me, as an American Chinese, I don't believe in any kinds of brainwashing. I only look at my long and short term benefits. I am gonna pay two more years in this organization. If they sponsor me for my PhD, then I will stay longer than that. If not, two years later, I shall return back to my mother country, the America.
Before the f__king Lo Mong Dung era, when we were still being ruled by the Royal Crown Empire, the contract term was much better. It's a life-time term with a much higher salary, better health care plan, and more vacation days.
After the f__king Lo Mong Dung messed around at the Hong Kong playground, everything collapsed. Lo Mong Dung tried to cover his fault by decorative excuses such as . . . Oh~~~ it's the world wide economy, it's a new culture, it's a new environment! We gotta shut the f__k up and accept it just like a mother f__ker licking an antique grandma pussy, go in deep, taste the juice . . . we-Chinese are hard working lickers that don't mind drilling all of the dirty mines! (No wonder why there are tons of Chinese drillers being drowned at the illegal flooded mines each year!)
Maybe it's a Chinese culture, all Chinese leaders love to brainwash their followers with lovely verbal phases. For example, due to the Face Saving Policy, the China officials expelled all of the Olympic coliseums builders from Beijing City once they have finished their projects. They tried covering their anti-humanity act by a decorative announcement . . . "As a modern educated Chinese, self-sacrificing is necessary in order to form a greater China!" Yeah, my ASS! It's a communist party with a 5000 years root of Confucianism, so what can I say!?
To me, as an American Chinese, I don't believe in any kinds of brainwashing. I only look at my long and short term benefits. I am gonna pay two more years in this organization. If they sponsor me for my PhD, then I will stay longer than that. If not, two years later, I shall return back to my mother country, the America.
Monday, August 25, 2008
My Dreamt Girl
These days . . . I am feeling strange that I kept seeing a girl or actually a lady in my dreams. It's been three contiguous nights. I told Connie, and she fooled around by saying that I stepped or BeeBee peed on something somewhere . . . You know, the most of the Hong Kong style Chinese believes in the speaking of God and ghost. To me, I don't think that's "HER" avenge, as I remembered all of the dreams were kind of romantic.
She was slim, not too tall. She has her hair up to her shoulder. Figure in a fine proportion. Not too beautiful, but appealing. Oh . . . yeah, she was an oriental. She was a nice person, indeed very femininely kind.
I couldn't remember the dreams of the first two nights, but only the last one. Let's cut to the chase, in the last dream, I shot her . . . in her belly! It was a bullet (not cum) from my hand gun! I know some of you might think of a wet dream! No, it's not a wet dream at all! She was wounded, but still she smiled at me sweetly. Suddenly, I felt that I have a crush on her. I kissed her good bye. No, she wasn't dead, but just has to take the elevator down back to where she came from or a hospital . . . who knows? It's a dream only.
I tried to recognize her face on street for the past few days, but it's hard. Connie must smelt something's burning, she asked me for $5000.00 (HKD), in order helping me to beat a lesson of vegetarian food (Chinese slang). Oh well~~~ who knows what's really going on?!?!?
She was slim, not too tall. She has her hair up to her shoulder. Figure in a fine proportion. Not too beautiful, but appealing. Oh . . . yeah, she was an oriental. She was a nice person, indeed very femininely kind.
I couldn't remember the dreams of the first two nights, but only the last one. Let's cut to the chase, in the last dream, I shot her . . . in her belly! It was a bullet (not cum) from my hand gun! I know some of you might think of a wet dream! No, it's not a wet dream at all! She was wounded, but still she smiled at me sweetly. Suddenly, I felt that I have a crush on her. I kissed her good bye. No, she wasn't dead, but just has to take the elevator down back to where she came from or a hospital . . . who knows? It's a dream only.
I tried to recognize her face on street for the past few days, but it's hard. Connie must smelt something's burning, she asked me for $5000.00 (HKD), in order helping me to beat a lesson of vegetarian food (Chinese slang). Oh well~~~ who knows what's really going on?!?!?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Don't know why, I am filled with my hyper blogging mood. This will be my second article within a single day! Yeah~~~
I have just read an article, 愛吃的女人 from 蔡瀾 in the Next Magazine# 963. He tried to link a girl's appetite to the girl's personal attitude, cute level, attractiveness, and educational background. I loved his theme and totally agreed with his hypothesis below:
Beautiful Girl + loving to eat = Sexy
Beautiful Girl + not loving to eat = Still Sexy
Ugly Girl + loving to eat = Happy to eat with, but no eye see.
Ugly Girl + not loving to eat = Kick her out of the restaurant.
Of course the above four hypothesis are only 蔡瀾's perspectives and comments, but they're kind of true. I am glad that all of my ex and my current gf love eating. Moreover, they can eat! I do enjoy hanging out with girls like these. I am even happier spending the rest of my life with them . . . Oh, I meant one of them. Of course, I want all of them . . . but for this life . . . one is already more than enough :P
I have just read an article, 愛吃的女人 from 蔡瀾 in the Next Magazine# 963. He tried to link a girl's appetite to the girl's personal attitude, cute level, attractiveness, and educational background. I loved his theme and totally agreed with his hypothesis below:
Beautiful Girl + loving to eat = Sexy
Beautiful Girl + not loving to eat = Still Sexy
Ugly Girl + loving to eat = Happy to eat with, but no eye see.
Ugly Girl + not loving to eat = Kick her out of the restaurant.
Of course the above four hypothesis are only 蔡瀾's perspectives and comments, but they're kind of true. I am glad that all of my ex and my current gf love eating. Moreover, they can eat! I do enjoy hanging out with girls like these. I am even happier spending the rest of my life with them . . . Oh, I meant one of them. Of course, I want all of them . . . but for this life . . . one is already more than enough :P
The New War
I don't know how many of you think positively upon the current Olympic Game. I did have some precious moment by watching it, but overall it didn't give me a sense of harmony, as the Olympic should be. I feel that the Chinese treat the Olympic as a World War III. They applied the Olympic Game to claim for their importance, existence, and hierarchy of the world.
The Olympic Game is the best opportunity to wash off their historical shame from the World War I era to the Open Door Policy era. Moreover, it is also a legal way to defect/revenge those who had step their feet on China before the World War I. Chinese, who are living within the land of China have low self-esteem due to their history and their communist governmental structure. Some of you might try to correct me that China has changed from communism to econ-communism . . . bla bla bla . . . Son, let me tell you, econ-communism applies to those who have a non-Chinese nationality only. If you are a Chinese, then you have no choice, but to stay within the communism system.
Modern China History Highlight
1711: British East India Company establishes Guangzhou post
1796: White Lotus Rebellion
1839-1842: First Opium War
1856-1860: Second Opium War
1894-1895: First Sino-Japanese War
1900-1901: Boxer Rebellion
1912: Last Qing Emperor Falls
1912: Foundation of Sun Yat Sen's Kuomintang
1921: Foundation of the Chinese Communist Party
1927-1936, 1941-1950: Chinese Civil War/World War II
1934: Long March
1949: People's Republic of China founded
1958-1960: Great Leap Forward
1959: Dalai Lama flees from Tibet to India
1966-1976: Cultural Revolution
1989: Martial Law Declared in Tibet
1989: Tiananmen Square Massacre
* In this article, the world, Chinese means the general publich that have been brainwashed by the education of the communist party within China.
The Olympic Game is the best opportunity to wash off their historical shame from the World War I era to the Open Door Policy era. Moreover, it is also a legal way to defect/revenge those who had step their feet on China before the World War I. Chinese, who are living within the land of China have low self-esteem due to their history and their communist governmental structure. Some of you might try to correct me that China has changed from communism to econ-communism . . . bla bla bla . . . Son, let me tell you, econ-communism applies to those who have a non-Chinese nationality only. If you are a Chinese, then you have no choice, but to stay within the communism system.
Modern China History Highlight
1711: British East India Company establishes Guangzhou post
1796: White Lotus Rebellion
1839-1842: First Opium War
1856-1860: Second Opium War
1894-1895: First Sino-Japanese War
1900-1901: Boxer Rebellion
1912: Last Qing Emperor Falls
1912: Foundation of Sun Yat Sen's Kuomintang
1921: Foundation of the Chinese Communist Party
1927-1936, 1941-1950: Chinese Civil War/World War II
1934: Long March
1949: People's Republic of China founded
1958-1960: Great Leap Forward
1959: Dalai Lama flees from Tibet to India
1966-1976: Cultural Revolution
1989: Martial Law Declared in Tibet
1989: Tiananmen Square Massacre
* In this article, the world, Chinese means the general publich that have been brainwashed by the education of the communist party within China.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Art Perfects Us
Art isn't realistic, but it exceeds. Art is a philosophy. Art has rules and boundaries, but they can be probably twisted. Art is a thinking. Along the thinking, the approaching path will be lightened up. Art is a believing. Believing in a concept, targeting it with faith will lead to the road of success. Art is a challenge. It's like driving on the wrong direction on a busy highway. Painfully crashing falls upon in every single second. Living with it, one day the revolution may come. Art is a loving caring. It cheers the world, and equals all man kinds.
A Chinese art professor painted a few coliseum builders. He auctioned the painting. He treated these real-life models back to Beijing for the Olympic Games, sight seeing, and Peking Duck by the money he earned from the auction. All of these builders were being expelled from the Beijing City by the Chinese government, after they have finished their contracted jobs. They were the one who built all of the facilities, but they were being expelled from the city due to the Chinese Face Saving Politic.
Under the love of art, they were being invited back to enjoy their contributions.
A Chinese art professor painted a few coliseum builders. He auctioned the painting. He treated these real-life models back to Beijing for the Olympic Games, sight seeing, and Peking Duck by the money he earned from the auction. All of these builders were being expelled from the Beijing City by the Chinese government, after they have finished their contracted jobs. They were the one who built all of the facilities, but they were being expelled from the city due to the Chinese Face Saving Politic.
Under the love of art, they were being invited back to enjoy their contributions.

Friday, August 15, 2008
My lovely Baby
Thursday, August 14, 2008
The Ugly Duckling In The New Era
The Ugly Duckling
(The following two paragraphs were copied from the Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ugly_Duckling)
"Once upon a time, there was A mother duck hatches her eggs and, while most of her ducklings are normal, one is grey, too large, and too clumsy to fit in among the others. Though she tries to accept him, the entire barnyard realizes that he simply does not belong and after a period of harassment he leaves to fend for himself. He is sheltered by an old woman in her poor cottage, but her cat and her hen will not accept him and he is forced to set off once again on his own. He wanders for the entire summer and fall, for no one will take him in, and he nearly freezes to death in an icy pond. Though he is rescued by a human, he cannot live in captivity, and he returns to the wild.
By the end of winter, he is miraculously still alive. He comes to a pond in a park or garden, where beautiful white swans are swimming. He is drawn to their beauty, though he has no reason to think that they will treat him better than anyone else has. Still, he thinks, even if they kill him, he must approach them. To his surprise, the beautiful creatures welcome and accept him; gazing at his reflection, he sees that he too is a swan. The children declare that he is the most beautiful swan of them all, yet he is not proud, for a good heart is never proud. Because of all that he suffered he now appreciates his happiness so much more."
Yeah right, that was the story written by Hans Christian Andersen in 1843 . . . An old bedtime fairly tale . . . Actually, it's not a happy ending to me. Indeed, it's a terribly sad story. Do you know why? In order not to be pin-pointed, you gotta be an alien! A swan is an alien to a duck. Of course it will turn into a beauty afterall! What if the story were written in an apple to apple way? An ugly duck will always be an ugly duck no matter what.
Things will never change or be changed! If you want to be different, then don't be a human being, be a monkey or be a dinosaur. If you want to be different, then don't be a Chinese, be a British or an American! If you were ugly, you will always be ugly. Don't even dream of showing your face in public, your face f__ks up the perfect image of China!
From The New York Times (New York's world known newspaper) - In Grand Olympic Show, Some Sleight of Voice. Published on the August 12, 2008.
(The following two paragraphs were copied from the Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ugly_Duckling)
"Once upon a time, there was A mother duck hatches her eggs and, while most of her ducklings are normal, one is grey, too large, and too clumsy to fit in among the others. Though she tries to accept him, the entire barnyard realizes that he simply does not belong and after a period of harassment he leaves to fend for himself. He is sheltered by an old woman in her poor cottage, but her cat and her hen will not accept him and he is forced to set off once again on his own. He wanders for the entire summer and fall, for no one will take him in, and he nearly freezes to death in an icy pond. Though he is rescued by a human, he cannot live in captivity, and he returns to the wild.
By the end of winter, he is miraculously still alive. He comes to a pond in a park or garden, where beautiful white swans are swimming. He is drawn to their beauty, though he has no reason to think that they will treat him better than anyone else has. Still, he thinks, even if they kill him, he must approach them. To his surprise, the beautiful creatures welcome and accept him; gazing at his reflection, he sees that he too is a swan. The children declare that he is the most beautiful swan of them all, yet he is not proud, for a good heart is never proud. Because of all that he suffered he now appreciates his happiness so much more."
Yeah right, that was the story written by Hans Christian Andersen in 1843 . . . An old bedtime fairly tale . . . Actually, it's not a happy ending to me. Indeed, it's a terribly sad story. Do you know why? In order not to be pin-pointed, you gotta be an alien! A swan is an alien to a duck. Of course it will turn into a beauty afterall! What if the story were written in an apple to apple way? An ugly duck will always be an ugly duck no matter what.
Things will never change or be changed! If you want to be different, then don't be a human being, be a monkey or be a dinosaur. If you want to be different, then don't be a Chinese, be a British or an American! If you were ugly, you will always be ugly. Don't even dream of showing your face in public, your face f__ks up the perfect image of China!
From The New York Times (New York's world known newspaper) - In Grand Olympic Show, Some Sleight of Voice. Published on the August 12, 2008.

Friday, August 8, 2008
Chinese For The Chinese? NO WAY!
I am now enjoying watching the Olympic Game from my lovely big screen TV at home. I have been sicked for days, nearly a week. I was supposed joining Connie this Saturday afternoon, doing some shopping with her together, but I decided staying at home.
I love watching the Olympic Game show for time killing. Seeing people jumping and running around is kind of fun. I remembered the last time I really spent time on it was the year 2000. I was still studying in the Rochester. That time I had my 24" CRT TV with VCR built-in right next to my Green and White Apple PowerMac G3 computer. I did my printing research work (along with playing the Diablo II by Blizzard Entertainment) on one side, and watching the game just by turning my head 90 degree to the right. I did have my good old times.
This afternoon, I watched the female basketball game. It was China VS Spain. I didn't pay much attention to it until I recognized one funny thing. The Chinese team's wearings are being sponsored by the Nike (US Company), and the Spanish team's wearing are being sponsored by the Li Ling (China Company, Li Ling was an athletic during the 1980's. He rocked the Olympic when he was first shown up in the 1984.) Li Ling retired after the game in 1992. Afterwards, he opened his own bland in the sport business, which is being considered to be a one of the top Chinese bland within the whole China. Of course, it would never make its way to the US, UK, nor the HK (As if the old Chinese slang, "I look dead at it").
China headed towards the American bland. I guess . . . its because they have been approached with tons of money being involved. Moreover, they want to state that China isn't anything within the second and the third world levels by applying the first world bland. So, who's gonna use the Chinese products (third world products)? There will be markets - the second and the third world, let them be! Chinese will NOT use any bland from the second and the third world countries. We (the Chinese) have our own pride!
I love watching the Olympic Game show for time killing. Seeing people jumping and running around is kind of fun. I remembered the last time I really spent time on it was the year 2000. I was still studying in the Rochester. That time I had my 24" CRT TV with VCR built-in right next to my Green and White Apple PowerMac G3 computer. I did my printing research work (along with playing the Diablo II by Blizzard Entertainment) on one side, and watching the game just by turning my head 90 degree to the right. I did have my good old times.
This afternoon, I watched the female basketball game. It was China VS Spain. I didn't pay much attention to it until I recognized one funny thing. The Chinese team's wearings are being sponsored by the Nike (US Company), and the Spanish team's wearing are being sponsored by the Li Ling (China Company, Li Ling was an athletic during the 1980's. He rocked the Olympic when he was first shown up in the 1984.) Li Ling retired after the game in 1992. Afterwards, he opened his own bland in the sport business, which is being considered to be a one of the top Chinese bland within the whole China. Of course, it would never make its way to the US, UK, nor the HK (As if the old Chinese slang, "I look dead at it").
China headed towards the American bland. I guess . . . its because they have been approached with tons of money being involved. Moreover, they want to state that China isn't anything within the second and the third world levels by applying the first world bland. So, who's gonna use the Chinese products (third world products)? There will be markets - the second and the third world, let them be! Chinese will NOT use any bland from the second and the third world countries. We (the Chinese) have our own pride!
The Older It Takes, The Better It Is . . .
I wasn't a fan of video game when I was in my high school and college period. Since my first NES (red white machine), I have only spent time doing the Final Fantasy VII. It was a great game. It's a RPG game, I love it as I didn't have to do it in a quick manner. In 1998, there was another great game rocked the world, Metal Gear Solid, but I didn't played it, as it's a new start up story, which doesn't has any history like the Final Fantasy, which has six histories before.
Since I had my PS3, I played more now than I was young. I tended not to go for the Metal Gear Solid series, but I bought myself a copy of the latest version, Metal Gear Solid 4. What can I say? After ten years of development, its storyline and its action rocked me. I would say that it's the best game I have ever played.
It's not like anything that has to rush through in a quick time, killing people without purpose, or doing stupid things without thinking. It's . . . a movie form: 1/4 time playing, and the rest is just sitting still watching the CG movie . . . it's a whole new culture.
Culture is the best word to describe these perfect games. A game would only turn into a classic, if it were good only. A class game won't last long enough to face the challenge of time and change. A successful game always turn into a culture under the treatment of time, which mostly take more than ten or twenty years. I love playing these perfect games such as the Final Fantasy, the Grand Therf Auto, Musou, and now . . . the Metal Gear Solid.
Since I had my PS3, I played more now than I was young. I tended not to go for the Metal Gear Solid series, but I bought myself a copy of the latest version, Metal Gear Solid 4. What can I say? After ten years of development, its storyline and its action rocked me. I would say that it's the best game I have ever played.
It's not like anything that has to rush through in a quick time, killing people without purpose, or doing stupid things without thinking. It's . . . a movie form: 1/4 time playing, and the rest is just sitting still watching the CG movie . . . it's a whole new culture.
Culture is the best word to describe these perfect games. A game would only turn into a classic, if it were good only. A class game won't last long enough to face the challenge of time and change. A successful game always turn into a culture under the treatment of time, which mostly take more than ten or twenty years. I love playing these perfect games such as the Final Fantasy, the Grand Therf Auto, Musou, and now . . . the Metal Gear Solid.
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