The corner storage is finally built. I learnt a lot from this project. I designed, drew, quoted (metal and wood), setup, scheduled, scolded, kicked asses, licked my boss' asses, and all of the other crazy stuffs . . . finally it's finished! After this, I have to start re-arranging another big project . . . but before that let's take a look at the image below. That's my baby.
Hey . . . by the way, after this project, I am gonna kick the f__king Fook-Tou away (it could end up a small battle between me and my Low-Ban-Leung). One electrician resigned . . . but I can care less. The worst case is . . . packing my stuffs and to going back to me Lo-Gar!
1 comment:
Your apartment is still available. Should I leave the furniture and cooking utilities behind?
Please remember :
1. the one who pays you is always right!
2. nobody is non-replaceable in this world!
If you need money for your one-way ticket back to New York, please do not hesitate to let me know.
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