Lately, the Muslim tried to attack the self claimed "great", the Great Britain. Fortunately, they were unsuccessful. Most of the Middle-East fallen specialised doctors were captured before the attack. People may question why these highly paid and educated doctors would give up their wealth and career for a stupid attack to the Western Worlds such as the America and the European Countries. Personally, I deeply believe it is due to the international world history, the Islamic culture, and their educational background.
Islam was founded by Muhammad (Muhammed, Mohammed, and/or Mohamet, call him anything you like, as long as the same sound). Muhammed did not make up the religion, but he reformed the believing and the teaching of the Judaism, which was originally from the Bible - The Old Testament. Basically, the Christian, the Catholic, the Islam, and the Judah are believing in the same God. The different human interpretations segregated and f__ked up the ideal system in the later part of the history.
Personally, I believe that the Islam is the most f__ked up interpretation. Unlike the others, they don't have a fixed concept to follow. The teacher of Islam are allowed to interpret the teaching of the book according to their own believes and experiences. A good example that reflects my statement would be the latest children show in Palestine - The Farfour, the faked Palestine Mickey Mouse. (By the way, I deeply believe that Disney should sue the Palestinian TV Station upon the Mickey Mouse copyright usage!)
The followings are the example of the children show - The Farfour:
Example# 1

FYI: AK-47 is the world most powerful machine gun invented by the Russian since WWII
Example# 2

Negotiation isn't a choice because there is a part in the show teaching their children to stop speaking in English. the are requested to speak in Arabic only.
Example# 3

Example# 4

The children will remember Farfour died as a martyred.
(Martyred - One who sacrifices or suffers, in order to further a religion belief)
This might be the answer why they are willing to die as a human bomber!
There are lots of ignorant Chinese surrounding me caring nothing, but money only. They don't know what's happening to the world, and not caring why the Middle-East has turned to a war-zone. They are not being educated with the correct world history, and they are not willing to self research . . . not even willing to self educate via the books and the internet.
Unfortunately, they like to make voices, but stupidly wrong voices by saying that everything is caused by the invasion of the Americans! The boso don't know the British was the one who set up the Independent State Of Israel within Palestine in 1948. They don't even know that Jews were being annihilated since the birth of the human history. For example, the Egyptian treated the Jews as slaves, and what the German have done in the WWII. They don't even know that the Palestine is occupied by the Arabian, who are mainly Sunni Muslim, and the Israel is occupied by the Jews, who are mainly Judaism. They don't even know the fight between the Palestine and the Israel is actually a civil war!
It is fine to be naive, but don't be ignorant! Even the great Chinese philosophy master, Confucius said, "If you know, then say you know. If you don't know, then say don't know. That's knowledge." Although I believe that Confucius messed up the Chinese culture, but not all of his teachings were wrong. By the way, how many of you (Chinese) know whom Confucius is . . . ?
Unfortunately, they like to make voices, but stupidly wrong voices by saying that everything is caused by the invasion of the Americans! The boso don't know the British was the one who set up the Independent State Of Israel within Palestine in 1948. They don't even know that Jews were being annihilated since the birth of the human history. For example, the Egyptian treated the Jews as slaves, and what the German have done in the WWII. They don't even know that the Palestine is occupied by the Arabian, who are mainly Sunni Muslim, and the Israel is occupied by the Jews, who are mainly Judaism. They don't even know the fight between the Palestine and the Israel is actually a civil war!
It is fine to be naive, but don't be ignorant! Even the great Chinese philosophy master, Confucius said, "If you know, then say you know. If you don't know, then say don't know. That's knowledge." Although I believe that Confucius messed up the Chinese culture, but not all of his teachings were wrong. By the way, how many of you (Chinese) know whom Confucius is . . . ?
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