I am being educated in Hong Kong under the British system until I was seventeen years old. I moved to the America in 1994. I didn't have much positive feeling on it that time. I lived in New York. Realistically, the technology over there is far behind than the modern Asia cities such as Tokyo, Singapore, and Hong Kong. Might be I was young and shallow, I couldn't realize the fruitiness of the America until I have spent several years into its education system and working in the society.
Let's not talk about how great the America is, but speaking in term of the potential facts of whether it will still be the top country of the world within the next ten to twenty years. Three perspectives will be shared. They are the perspectives of military, economic, and agriculture.
Looking from the human history, the power of the military force equals to the bargaining power of the country. The British used to be the world leader due to its strong navy. It conquered lots of the Asia and Middle-East Countries such as Hong Kong, the India, and the Palestine via the sea. In general speaking, if you wanna be the world leader, you basically need to own the strongest army in the world. Nowadays, the American owns the strongest military force in the world. With high technology and computerized system, its army, navy, and air-force can be sent to anywhere of the world within 24 hours.

The Asian are raising. China is the world factory and India is a key player in the information technology. These are the glorious facts that we can see, but who's the buyer behind? The Western worlds are the main customers behind all of these products, services and technology. Although the cash flows to the east from the west, the raise of China is due to its cheap labor cost. The cash flow will stop once the China catch up with its inflation, exchange rate differing, and the rise of the labor cost. When the time comes, the world will change its focus away from China to India. With the China's political issue and its one son policy, I believe that it will face a big challenge within the next twenty years, but the America will keep standing as the buyer of the world.
As the America has lost its manufacturing power to the Asia, it counter attacks the Asians through agriculture under the blessing of globalism. Some professions have predicted that the America will concentrate on agriculture and the Asia countries will be the major players in business and manufacturing in the short coming future. Personally, I disagree. I believe the American will be the major player in both areas. It will use food as a weapon to ruin a country self economy. It is already the key food distributer to Africa and some of the Asia areas, and it has just started invading China by providing pork and beef recently. It took the advantage of China's food scarce problem. What can China do beside asking the America for help?