When I was sitting my big fat ass on the sofa watching TV, I suddenly heard BeeBee choked. I turned my head around, and saw him hid himself inside his cage suffering. I walked up to him, and realized that he had already vomited. I immediately pulled him out of his cage, and padded his chest. He choked so loud that even Connie rushed out from the computer room. Both of us padded him together until he stopped.
Afterward, I gave him a bowl of sweetened and salted water, but he didn't drink much at all. He rather lied down resting right next to the main door, instead of jumping around like the normal days. So, I boiled him some vegetable, wishing the fiber might clean up his system a bit. He ate all of them within a minute, which was good, at least he didn't loss his appetite.
When Connie and I were in bed, I still worried for him. Connie tried to calm me down. She was nice. We further realized the toughness of child raising especially, while he/she were sicked. After this incident, I understood what my parents have went through when I was asthma attacked while I was young, and why they kept reminding me for teeth cleansing once every half a year . . . Suddenly, we heard BeeBee choked again, but this time he was smart enough not to stay behind in his cage. We walked to our bed . . . looked at us poorly . . . kind of asking for our caring. Of course, both of us got out of our bed and served him again.
After a good night sleep, he is back being a little cute lovely and healthy BeeBee.

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