Sunday, October 19, 2008

Dog-Shit Luck

I am not anyone special nor successful, but I have dog-shit luck (Chinese phase for a damn lucky person) in my life.

I was brought to the America in 1994. My family skipped the Asian Economic Crisis in 1997. I graduated in 2000, which is right after the I.T. Crisis, but I found a not too bad job in The New York Times. In 2003, I was working for the New York Post, when Hong Kong was under the SARS attack. I came back to Hong Kong in 2005. I worked for the Hallmark Cards for 1 year, then I moved to China. I moved back to Hong Kong in 2007, right after my returned, China released a new labor law, which nearly killed 1/3 of its factories in the Southern part. I jumped out of the Production/QA area to the academic in 2007. After a year of suffering, I am now upgraded to a better contract, which stabled me during the World Economic Crisis from 2008 - who knows how long it will be.

In my opinion, I don't believe the crisis that we are facing would last for 2-3 years only. You may say that it's a new era, and we can't refer to the old American history. Yeah, that might be true, but I tended to believe and to anaylsis with root and ground. If the America took 20 years to overcome its last Great Depression by fighting in the WWII, then this time the whole world may take >5 years to overcome "the economic crisis that no one have seen before". I hope not to, but we might ended up in war sooner or later. I believe all humans are evils. We gotta to whatever we have to do, in order to survive and to achieve more than surviving.

I hope I am wrong upon my message above. If I were right, then I hope my dog-shit luck will be with me for my whole entire life.

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