Saturday, May 19, 2007

A Lovely Rainly Saturday

Connie and I have rented an apartment in Ching Yi. We signed the final rental document yesterday. No matter what, I am gonna live with her and my BeeBee as a family for the rest of the year. If everything were fine and possible, I wish to be 4 ever.

Today Connie and I were supposed to go to the new apartment and for some cleanings, but we didn't go because of the messive rainstorm. So we stayed home (the old and tiny one) for movies. We watched Back To The Future II and III. Then later, we had steaks for dinner. Steaks in Hong Kong style . . . of course, it can't be compared with those in the America.

By the way, I am gonna go back to the US with Connie together from June 15 to June 30. We are gonna go to the Florida - Disney, NYC, Niagra, Boston, and Toronto. It's fully packed, and I am gonna enjoy it.

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