Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Bullshitted Story

Once upon a time, there was a little young man, who is good in nothing. He didn't do good in school, and was always being looked down as a piece of shit. One day, the little boy left his home town, he went to a so called, a dream-fantasy-land. Over there, he found his interest. He later tried turning his interest into his career. Unfortunately, he didn't, but at least his effort and his works were being agreed.

Fate always fools us. Somehow, the more we wanna get rid of, the more we are getting. The man ended up earning his living with his left over interest. He didn't actually do the job, but via teaching others. Funnily, he still being agreed and accepted by bullshitting others with what he has given up.

By the age of 31, the young man turned into a mid-age man. As he couldn't get rid of the joke made by fate. So, he has decided to pick up what he has left over again for making a masterpiece.

If he could success, then his job will be posted later in this blog.

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